A close friend asked me to elucidate on my expectations of the coming changes associated with the "End Of Days" mentioned by scholars of the Mayan Calendar. I felt this was a good way to update my blog which I have neglected recently.
So lets get the mundane out of the way.
I think Obama will be reelected.
Beyond that, I must say I am skeptical of there being a specific event on the date of December 21, 2012. I feel at the heart of the expected change is the way we view time. We've been indoctrinated into viewing time based on seconds, minute and hours which gives us a false measurement of time. If we were to know time in it's purest form we would simply recognize events, i.e. thoughts and external changes in environment such as moon cycles and weather patterns and seasonal shifts, bowel movements, baby feedings, etc.
Time as we view it came into being in the last millennia. In the few thousand years before that it was measured in terms of a rulers life span. Before that it wasn't measured but experienced more like a continuum that as humans lived they felt.
After ingesting a psychoactive substance such as LSD one experiences time more as a reality, a constant shifting pattern of events that more or less relate to external activities and internal psychic patterns. Time becomes more of a great temporal, often beautiful, being whose edges and internal spaces are divine and endowed with a feminine flavor. A cosmic matrix in my experience. Space is where she is not.
As the collective conscious moves more toward the natural view of time and space, recognizing and fully realizing the true illusory nature of these mental constructs, self deception exposed falls away. Insanity will prevail for many. A struggle occurs... to hold onto a point of view that can no longer be sustained.
Some of what I believe we will see occur: There will continue to be revelations regarding who actually drives the socioeconomic engine of the world and their motives (the heart of which appears to be to create suffering, they thrive on others suffering). Other interesting elitist, dark and occulted societies will surface and become exposed. Self serving governments will topple amid ruins. We are seeing that now as Neptune enters Pisces the day I posted this.
People will become educated regarding how much power they actually have in directing their respective group's realizations. More and more we will see various extreme groups vying for control which will lead, eventually, to a greater overall understanding of cooperation. But not before violent shifts in consciousness for many. Violence weeds out the negators of peace and leaves in it's wake those who begin to desire peace over personal and collective beliefs.
I expect more about extraterrestrials will surface as time proceeds from where we are now. The demand for evidence of their existence is growing strong. There was a piece on NPR regarding that very subject yesterday (April 4). As Neptune (the alien to us) enters Pisces (realm of chaos) where it rules, what is vague and hidden, illusory, shows itself. Motives become strikingly evident. BTW:Neptune is my ruling planet and Pisces fills my first house of the body. It promises to be an interesting journey for me, assuming I'll be here to make note of it.
The very notion of time will begin to be altered in the collective. Psychic capacities and spiritual discernment of and by the common person will begin to evolve more rapidly. Natural disasters will be more frequent until the relationship between our collective fear and the fluctuation in the earths skin begins to become evident to more of us, eventually making a quantum shift.
Communication will take a giant leap, telepathy becoming more common place with the Internet serving as a catalyst for same.
As the old guard, people of mine and my mother's generation, pass away there will be more room for those coming after to rapidly expand their consciousness. We don't realize how much we stand in each others way in our effort to control our personal reality. A simple example: It is very difficult to experience intimacy with someone who resists being discovered. Fear of intimacy is the principal obstacle to self awareness. That fear is generated by secrets and hidden agendas.
As these obstacles become more evident in our collective awareness the fear will dissipate and a unity will evolve that cannot harbor a false sense of time and personal space. Of course this is all based on assuming the upheaval of darker energies from our collective unconscious doesn't destroy us. A distinct possibility.
The planet goes through what we go through. It is naturally shifting while we shift in a synthesized way. Thesis (true knowledge) plus anti-thesis (neurosis and limiting beliefs) creating a synthesis (in this case upheaval). It is always working toward balance and as the balance becomes realized the qualities I've placed in parenthesis change to reflect that purer pattern and so the synthesis reflects same.
Then there's the possibility of Planet X to consider. Do you have a hundred million dollar telescope?
Then there's the possibility of Planet X to consider. Do you have a hundred million dollar telescope?
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