Friday, August 27, 2010

Love Knows No Ambition

I recently posted on Facebook a quote from a talk by J. Krishnamurty: "Where there is Love there is no ambition." I didn't really expect a response, much less the two I actually got. One was distinctly questioning of the remark via a questioning of Mr. Krishnamurty's character and the situation of his culture and political environment. The other was a simple "Hmmmm" which I took to be undefined questioning of the validity of the statement. I certainly could have misinterpreted these responses. Regardless, they inspired some further thought on the subject in an attempt to understand the perspective of the comments.

Here is what has come of that.

My first thought was people who have no undefined experience with Love also have no awareness Love needs no other quality than Itself to exist. In other words, they've never experienced Love in It's purest state. Love at this level of existence is without definition, boundless and forever. One becomes simply a sea of bliss. This alone is beyond comprehension even after experiencing it. No definition: Inability to recognize differences because none, including self, exist. Boundless: Infinite Being. Forever: Absence of mortality. Sea of joy: one becomes a drop of joy immersed in an endless sea of joy.

It is important to realize, from a lesser perspective with an intact ego, that in this state of mind their are no relatives or loved one's. There is no body to have needs. There is no name of the self which also does not exist. There is no ego to tell you right and wrong, up or down, believe or doubt. In fact if the experience didn't result from a process one would never know it was occurring. One must return from this state to attention, with at least a modest identity intact, to recognize one had been there. Otherwise the experience is actually physical death. It is however, ego death we're talking about here. Naturally a very low percentage of the world population actually have this experience and live to tell about it. Often those who do are labeled crazy and some actually become residents of asylums.

People have been put to death for espousing the attributes of pure Love, but we know this. We've heard and read these stories. Many of us are appalled by this, we cannot understand why others would behave in this manner. And yet, when someone who has disappeared into the Highest State of Awareness shares what they recognize as an obstacle to achieving It people invested in Love being something other than what it is feel threatened.

There can be no possible investment, no wanting, no ambitious agenda on the part of pure Love. All other points of view are threatened by the Truth of Love. In fact the experience of pure Love will destroy any and all beliefs, images, attachments, ambitions and identities the "experiencer" may hold consequential or otherwise. The reality of this is put forth in every major spiritual tome since writing began.

From Hebrew scriptures for example, "GOD is no respecter of persons", and "Man's doing is as foolishness to GOD. GOD's doing is as foolishness to man." There are many more.

From the Hindu scriptures comes this one, spoken to Arjuna by Krishna when his beliefs created resistance to sending his army to battle his relatives in a war, "I am death, destroyer of worlds."

And these words spoken by Jesus "He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it."

And from A Course In Miracles: "Nothing unreal exists, nothing real can be threatened."

For the sake of reference, I've disappeared into that Sea of Joy. And yes, my life was destroyed.

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