A small primer: Rebirthing is a breath process. In its classic "clinical" setting it's done in three stages. 1) ten open air sessions with a male or female but not both 2) followed by one hot tub session 3) followed by ten with the other bonding gender 4) followed by a cold water rebirth. There is more than one participant on hand at the two water rebirths.
At my first cold water Rebirth "Allow" was the overall atmosphere of the work shop. One pursued to the depth of their choice. There were several dozen attending. I was accompanied by three seasoned Rebirthers and the water was in a hotel tub, filled with buckets of ice cubes from the machine in the hall. Water, of course, was floating the ice.
As I lowered my naked body into the icy water my awareness opened to a holographic experience. I simultaneously saw my guides as if I was looking out from eyes in my upper back, the ice water beneath me with my physical eyes like being in another world, and through the eyes of an Alaskan Inuit pitching head first into the Arctic waters. I felt feelings of having committed suicide as this person in a past life. There were no other offerings, there was no me, there was no reasoning. Only mindless fear of death and the cold and the momentum of determined commitment to do this filled my awareness. I was open to reasons for being afraid but saw nothing. I was doing this and no one was pushing me.
Later, as I sat in the conference room on the floor, remembering how resistant I was from the beginning to attend this Loving Relationship Training workshop, this poem came to me. It's a lot lighter than the image of the cold water rebirthing.
Anxious about the cold,
And I feel really old
On death I must be sold
“lets get it over with!”
Cold water freaks me out
I’m really not that stout
Makes me want to shout
“Lets get it over with!”
Angry fighting feelings
My head is set to reeling
Fearful breath is fleeting
“Lets get it over with!”
Ease into the water
Leave is what I oughta
The scream is getting louder
“Lets get it over with!”
Out of water, into the air
Its colder still over there
Fearless now “in the pink”
I feel a glow… and not a care.
Most of all, I cleared a LOT of fear that weekend.
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